Service Delivery Partners
These are companies who are part of our teams when bidding on government contracts. They are our subcontractors under our prime contracts. Conversely, they could be the prime contracts with A&T Systems acting as their subcontractor.
For the State of Maryland, we are known as TeamMaryland. All members of TeamMaryland are Maryland-based companies who are committed to working very closely as an integrated team. Our TeamMaryland ‘brand’ represents that all members are Maryland based companies committed to working very closely as an integrated team.
A&T Systems has partnered with over 100 different technology subcontractors, many MDOT Certified MBEs, to provide our State of Maryland customers with responsive on-time delivery of consulting and technical services to support them.
Integrated Team Approach
For many years A&T has been serving the Public & Government sector as a Professional Services Technology & Systems Integrator. In order to become competitive and be successful in this business, A&T has developed and refined our processes to provide customers with a worry-free, on-time service delivery.
Project Management has become a key competency of A&T’s working with our internal technical staffs or with our primary subcontractor teams. As a result, A&T has been the recipient of many IDIQ contracts including the various GSA Schedules, NITAAC ECS-III, GSA Connections I, Connections II, IMCS II. A&T has partnered with over 100 different subcontractors to provide our customers with responsive, on-time delivery of consulting and technical services to support them.
In our role as a federal contractor often we call the group of companies with A&T Systems as the prime contractor as TeamUSA.